Legal Information

KB Crawl SAS thanks you for your visit.
By choosing to visit the pages of this site, the web user acknowledges having read and accepted the limitation of liabilities and the terms and conditions for the use of this site. The user accepts the limitations offered by the Internet network in consulting the site’s pages. KB CRAWL SAS may not be held responsible for difficulties in connecting to the Internet or in visualising the site’s pages. In particular the user acknowledges being informed as to the differences in interpretation of web pages by the different navigation software present on the market.
The domains are, and

Site Publisher:

Société par Actions Simplifiée au capital de 120 000 €, located at 147 avenue Paul Doumer 92500 Rueil-Malmaison cedex, immatriculée au Registre du Commerce et des sociétés de Nanterre sous le numéro 501 719 629.
Phone : +33 (0)1 41 29 05 05
Email :
Publication director : Jean-Pierre HAUET

Service Provider:

Technical maintenance is handled by the society :
KB Crawl SAS
147 Avenue Paul Doumer – 92500 Rueil-Malmaison– France

Hosting :

2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France

Contents and Information

The website of KB CRAWL SAS provides information provided for information purposes. This information is provided as is, regardless of its origin. The responsibility of KB CRAWL SAS can not be held responsible for the inaccuracy, errors or omission of the information published on its website. Prices are given for information only.

Personal data

KB CRAWL SAS, located at 147 avenue Paul Doumer 92500 Rueil-Malmaison cedex, immatriculée, in its responsibility for data processing, collects your data to manage your orders and to send you its promotional offers based on your given consent or our contractual relationship.
The data collected is processed within the European Union and is retained for the duration of the legal retention period relative to the purpose of the collection.
As from 25 May 2018, you can exercise your right to the portability of your data as well as your right to limit the processing of your data. Currently, you can withdraw your consent, at any time, to the processing of your data, and you can exercise your right of access, rectification, opposition, and erasure of your personal data by sending a copy of your ID (proof of identity) with your request to the following address:
KB CRAWL SAS – 147 avenue Paul Doumer 92500 Rueil-Malmaison cedex. oàr by email at
At any time, you can lodge a claim with the CNIL according to the terms and conditions indicated on their website (

Our Cookie Policy

In order to enhance the functionality of our Website and provide a more enjoyable user experience, we use cookies. Cookies are small text files that enable us to compare new visitors with old ones, understand how users navigate our website, and obtain data from which to improve the web browsing experience in the future. They also enable us to manage your order basket and collect information for statistical purposes relating to how you navigate our website.
The cookies do not keep any record of personal information about a user and personally identifiable information will never be saved. If you do not wish to use cookies, you must reconfigure the settings of your computer in order to delete all Website cookies and/or receive notification if cookies are stored.
If you do not wish to change your cookie settings, simply continue visiting our website.
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To find out more about cookies and the effect they have on you and your browsing experience, visit the website (in English)

How to manage cookies on computers
Cookie settings vary according to browsers.It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will enable you to learn how to change your settings according to your wishes:

Please note: any configuring of your Web browser concerning the accepting or rejecting of cookies is susceptible to alter your navigation on the Internet and on our Website, as well as your conditions of access to certain services requiring the use of these same cookies.
List of cookies used on our websites
Cookies necessary to the good functioning of the website
Cookies Google Analytics
Cookies Share this
campaign tracking

Cookies Google Analytics :
Used to analyze and track the performance of the website
_utmb: Used to determine new sessions / visits. The cookie is created when the JavaScript library is executed and no __utmb cookies exist. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. lifespan: 30 minutes __utmt: Used to throttle request rate. lifespan: 10 Minuten __utmc: This cookie works in conjunction with the __utmb cookie to determine whether or not the user is in a new session/visit. lifespan : duration of the session __utma: Used to distinguish unique users and sessions. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. lifespan: 2 years __utmz: Stores the traffic source or campaign to explain how a user reaches our website. The cookie is created when the JavaScript library is executed and updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. lifespan: 6 months _ga: Used to distinguish users. lifespan: 2 years _gid: Used to distinguish users. lifespan: 24 hours _gat: Used to throttle request rate. lifespan: 1 Minute _gac:
Contains campaign related information for the user. When it is linked to the service AdWords, Google Ads website conversion tags will read this cookie.
lifespan: 90days
The reproduction, use, and exploitation of photographs, images, cards, texts, data base extractions, elements of graphic design and in general terms any material published on the site are prohibited without the prior agreement of their authors. Non-compliance with this condition shall constitute an infringement which may incur the civil and criminal liability of the infringer.

Hypertext Links

The presence of hypertext links connecting to other sites shall not constitute a guarantee of quality as to the contents and proper functioning of said sites.
The liability of KB CRAWL SAS shall not be incurred as to the content of such sites. The web user must exercise necessary caution when using this information.
The creation of hypertext links to KB CRAWL SAS web site shall be subject to its express prior authorisation. To submit a request please complete and send our contact form (Contact Us) and await our reply.
In the event of the creation of a hypertext link to KB CRAWL SAS site without prior authorisation, KB CRAWL SAS, if it does not approve of the contents, reserves the right to demand at any time the removal of said hypertext link.

Photo Credits

Reminder: the reproduction, use and exploitation of the photographs published on KB CRAWL SAS web site shall be prohibited without the author’s prior agreement.